90seconds.org has been floating around in my brain for over a decade. I might say the idea has been haunting me all that time.
It is dedicated to hearing the Unheard. We believe no one needs to be a voice for the voiceless because no one is voiceless. Many people are Unheard. The problem is not with the person who is not heard. They don’t need a representative to speak for them. The problem is with the way we have organized and operate so many spaces in our world today. We don’t listen to each other. Especially we do not listen to people on the margins. This is an organization committed to hearing those who are underheard and unheard. It is committed to helping people discover, develop and share their voice and their life.
Part of the work of 90 Seconds Project is a process of listening and raising voices. This process is called Insider Witness. It is a process of video conversations with a coach/co-creator and then building a 90-second story that gives a glimpse into a person’s life. This glimpse is first and foremost for the creator and their loved ones. It may or may not be added to the 90seconds.org public collection.
by Brett Nelson
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